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Service Complaint
Please select a category below and tell us what we can do to be of assistance
Emergency Service (urgent situations only)
Driveway not serviced
Walkway not serviced
Driveway cleared late
Walkway cleared late
Issue with the way my driveway was cleared
Moved car
Report damage to your property
Special service request
Please describe the type of emergency help you need
We're sorry for missing your house. What exactly happened?
Driver missed my driveway on 1st pass
Driver did neighbour's driveway and then took off
Driveway was cleaned, but walkway was missed
We're sorry to hear your driveway wasn't cleaned properly. What exactly happened?
Plow ridge at end of driveway and I can't get out
Driver didn't clear behind parker car
Driver leaving too much snow in the street
Driver putting snow on the City sidewalk
Driver putting client's snow on neighbour's property
Driver putting neighbour's snow on client's property
Snow blown on house walkway, or lawn ornaments
Driver blew garbage / flyers all over front lawn
Driveway not being cleaned marker to marker
Driver not getting close enough to my garage
Driver doing wrong side of driveway
Driveway becoming too narrow at bottom
Blower not scraping well
Sloppy work
Blower is being dropped too hard
Something fell off driver's tractor
What is your special request?
I need out by a certain time
Driveway blocked by vehicle on street - tractor will need to come back
Please specify
When did this incident happen?
Please describe the damage
Additional comments
First name
Last name
Your service address
Your email
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